Support to Work video transcript

Lucy: My name is Lucy, I have a condition called Elhers-Danlos Syndrome which means my joints are very loose an unstable and prone to dislocation.

At the beginning of my entrance into the world of work I was considered to be non-disabled because my condition back then was invisible. It wasn't difficult for me to get jobs but as my condition started to deteriorate, I was asked by an employer why I had applied for the job and why I didn't just stay on benefits instead.

I heard about Support to Work just after it was rolled out, I saw an advert on Facebook and I thought "oh, what's this?". At the time I was not in the best place with looking for work, I had been unemployed for some time and I thought "you know what? What the hell have I got to lose?"

Mwila: So, during the initial conversations we create and action plan, which are actions we aim to achieve every week. So each week we have a catch-up to see what has been done based on the previous actions set. But the action plan can be 12 actions long, it could be 24 actions long or it could be just one action that the customer would like to achieve over the course of the twelve weeks.

Lucy: My CV wasn't attracting the attention of employers in a good way, so we tidied up my CV, we ended up writing a cover letter together, which ended up being really nice and we'd speak the kind of jobs I'd applied for, what response I'd had, What follow up I'd done. And it was very much a nice balance between, me knowing he wasn't going to find me a job, but also, I wasn't relying too heavily on him.

Mwila: I think my favourite part of the role is the feeling you get from making a difference to people's lives. Getting that feedback when people tell you you've made a difference to their lives by helping them find employment, when they had given up hope.

Narrator: Support to Work involves, digital, online support, a 12-week action plan and can be found in England and Wales.

Find out how we can support you to get into, stay in and progress in work.

Support to Work

Support to Work is a free online and telephone support programme for disabled people who are looking for paid work, in England and Wales.

If you already have a Support to Work account you can sign in.

Find out how to use the service.


Support to Work is open to disabled people who:

  • are 16 years or over
  • are looking for a paid job
  • have internet, email and telephone
  • live in England or Wales

Sign up

Signing up for Support to Work is a 3-step process:

  • check this service is right for you
  • create a Scope account
  • register for Support to Work

Employment advice

You will get help from one of our specialist employment advisers online and over the phone, or have the option of face to face if you live in Leeds, London or Manchester.

Our friendly advisers will listen to your challenges and give you advice for your situation. With in-depth knowledge and experience they can support you with many aspects of looking for paid work, including:

  • identifying your strengths and transferable skills
  • developing confidence and job skills like time management
  • reviewing your CV to meet your employment goals
  • how and where to look for jobs
  • mock interviews
  • how to talk to your employer about your impairment and reasonable adjustments

Employment support

Our employment advisers will talk with you and agree the level of support you need to reach your goals.

You will work with your adviser for up to 20 weeks.

We will support you to:

  • grow in confidence, assertiveness, and independence
  • develop your interview skills
  • find volunteering, training, education, or employment opportunities
  • talk about disability in the workplace
  • support you to search for jobs

One-to-ones with your adviser

Your adviser will be on hand to help you throughout the 20 weeks. You will also have regular meetings with your adviser. These one-to-ones will offer you support and guidance throughout the programme. At the end of the 20 weeks your time with the adviser will end, but you'll still have access to all resources in your personal online portal.

Group support and training sessions

Your employment adviser will recommend group support and training sessions that they believe will benefit you and your goals.

These sessions will give you the skills and support to succeed in your career journey.

Access to our Jobs board

Once you start on the service. You will have access to vacancies through our online job board from:

  • partner organisations
  • recruiters, and
  • employers who are committed to employing more disabled people

Access eLearning with Learn at Scope

Learn at Scope is a convenient and simple eLearning platform that will help you get into work.

Designed to make your job search and career progression easier. Giving you access to tools and developing your skills to get the job you want or boost your career.

Ask your adviser how you can access Learn at Scope.

In work support

Once you find work our support does not end. Our specialist in work support adviser will work with you for up to 26 weeks. They will support you with any issues that may arise in work, including:

  • support with asking for reasonable adjustments
  • Access to Work applications

Making adjustments

We can make adjustments if you need them, such as:

Opening times

Monday to Thursday: 9am to 6pm.

Friday: 9am to 5pm.

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